Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Grand Adventures in London - Day 2

... we're at Victoria station, waiting to meet "someone"... I see them!!!

It's the Beanie crew!! That's String Beanie and Beanie and Jelly Beanie. They took the train up from Brighton... just to see me!

Beanie is taking us on a grand adventure to the Crystal Palace...

Quick, let's catch the train!

Whew... made it! I chatted with String Beanie a bit... he's had an exciting life you know.

Have we left yet?? No.


I told Beanie I had a surprise... he loves surprises!

We had some old 1 pound coins from the last time we were in England and they are no longer legal tender! Ergh... and you have to take them to a bank and get new ones... and you need an account at the bank... so we gave them to Beanie... for his treasure chest!

And, we're here! Let's go... I wonder what's in the Crystal Palace? Gems, minerals?

Nope... it's a park with dinosaurs!! Cool!

It's a muddy park though... but we managed to stay clean and dry.

Look, there they are!!!

We all wanted a closer look... they sure look funny, these dinosaurs. Really squat and low to the ground.

There were information panels with the dinosaurs...

And as we saw them all... that one looks like Nessie...

We realized what the problem was...

See that dinosaur? Well... these were done up in 1854!!!

And back then... they didn't really know how to put all the bones together... so they made some really slow, lumbering dinosaur reconstructions. When really, they're more like Jurassic Park dinosaurs... sleek and quick!

That's funny!!

These sculptures are in rough shape too... so they are trying to refurbish them.

I'm glad we came here!

That's an elk from hundreds of thousands of years ago... the 1854 version isn't too far off from what they think it really looked like. The horns have a bit of a different slant...

And I caught Beanie tying one of his cd creations to the railing! Sneaky!

We found this dinosaur head too...

What great fun!

Now, we're catching a train back into town. Cause we're all starving...

When we got on the train, Beanie found a badge of the Queen. Beanie's really good at finding things.

Soooo.. where are we going? I should pull out the map...

Who am I kidding? I'm withe Beanie Mouse, London Tour Guide Extraordinaire! I'm sure he'll have a great bus ride planned for us! Stay tuned!


  1. Cool trip! Did you happen to see a model of the fearsome Dogosaurus Rex?...

    1. Did the fearsome Dogosaurus Rex eat bacon?

    2. Hmmm... I didn't see that model but he could have been out for a walk. You know Dogosauruses...

  2. We knew it!!! Beanie and the whole gang! What a grand day out.

    Jerry didn't see a snack stop...he worries about such things. Did you have time for some tea and scones...or maybe that's the next post.

  3. YEAH!!!! You have the best tour guide!!!

    1. I know!! Beanie knows everything there is to know about London!
