Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hike of the Dead Tires

Wow... I must say, I've been getting a lot of cool hikes lately... beary adventurous hikes! Today, we are going down into a gully... or should I say... The Gully...

It looks pretty good from up here...

 And there's a pretty stream down in the depths.

The sun was even shining...

I thought we should explore down The Gully... there was no trail but... you know... I can supervise trail blazing.

 OK... that is a beary pretty stream!!

So calm and peaceful down here.

Oh... wow... I think someone lost a load of tires or something?

Humans are beary beary weird sometimes.

Oh look, a trillium!

And a monster tire...

Followed by an old tire...

A washing machine or oven?

Old propane tank.

Grumble... this is turning into a junk hike!

Hmmm... the slopes are getting kind of steep too.

 And there is a lot of deadfall across the stream.

 Still pretty but.... I decided we should cut the hike short as my sekrebeary was getting tuckered out from all the bush-whacking.

 At least I know where to find some spare tires!


  1. Would you say your secrebeary was getting "dead tired"? Hee hee hee...

  2. Great hike. Any berries out yet?

    1. Mmmm... nope... haven't seen any so far. Although... we did a blueberry bush for the yard (a back-alley deal!). It has tonnes of flowers.

  3. The mist from the stream and the mini waterfall is so beautiful! Great hike Sandy
