Let's see... which one should I do?
Eh?? A pumpkin top almost landed in my lap!! I better see what is going on...
Hmmm... this is a beary full pumpkin and a messy job.
Finally all the pumpkin guts are out... now... to get creative.
I found the good side of the pumpkin and... hmmm... that shadow looks like it might make a cool pattern! But Mama said I did a bear themed pumpkin last year so I have to do something different... sigh.
Alright... I've picked out my pattern and taped it to the pumpkin.
Now I have to take this little pokey wheel thing and run it along the lines... That is hard work!
Now we start cutting... and that was even harder work... Mama and I were sweating bullets that we were going to cut out an important part...
But we managed it!! Spooky doesn't like pumpkins it seems...
But she is a Halloween cat so... maybe she can help me come up with a costume idea because Mama and I are out of ideas.
Two years ago, I was a beary spooky mummy!
Last year I was a beary spooky space invader from the planet Bearspaw...
But what about this year!! Ohhhh... Spooky help me out!!
No peeking!!!
Ta-dahhhh!!!!! Spooky looks a little shocked but... She was the inspiration for this costume.
The trick-or-treat pumpkin was empty but... a little honey packet fixed that.
I think it works...
Rascal wasn't too impressed that I didn't use her for inspiration, but let's face it...
Halloween IS Spooky's season!
And in the dark...