Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Camping - Day 2

Hullo again! It is another fine morning and it is time for some breakfast... after a hot chocolate, of course!

We have some almond butter, some jam and some tea for the tea drinkers...

This is our camping toaster. The cousins were totally impressed with that!!! And some turkey bacon frying away - yum! (No pigs were hurt in the making of this bacon... Thought Sullivan would appreciate that!)

We also boiled four eggs for lunch and dipped the cooked ones in blackberry juice so we would know which were the cooked ones. This might be a good idea for Easter eggs!

 And... some juice for later as well... blackberry juice on the left and some Sprite on the right.

Get the backpack together... This all takes a lot of time when you are camping!

But finally... we are all ready!!!

Today there was some blackberry picking. Valentin is impressed with the size of our blackberries...

We also found some Mirabelle Plums which were completely new for me and Mama. The skin is a bit sour but the pulp is super yummy!!!

Beary yummy!!! Even for a little bear...

And the blackberries went into a pot... They were trying to make sort of a jam but... the Knox Gelatine did not gel... so they had blackberry sauce instead! Still beary yummy!


  1. Those berries should would be yummy in muffins! You've given Ben a great idea!

    1. Those berries were super yummy just on their own too! I'm sure Ben could whip up amazing batches of blackberry muffins and blackberry pancakes and blackbeary crepes and...

  2. It seems like more of a gormet cooking adventure than a camping trip. Good idea about dipping the eggs in blackberry juice.....beary interesting. Also, beary adventurous of to you make jam right at the camp site...I would be afraid I would get blackberry juice on my fur.

    1. I rather thought the same thing... gourmet cooking was right! I would have been happy with a box or two of Kraft Dinner but... we ate beary well. The cousins were trying to make a compote (not compost - although they can sound similar) but it wasn't quite turning out...

  3. Replies
    1. That is completely understandable! It seems my blog has turned into a cooking blog: smoked salmon, berries, compotes....

  4. Ooo that looks great! That is a beary smart idea to dip the eggs in the berry juice. You are beary resourceful Sandy!

    1. Thanks Ajdin!! Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention... somebody said that once... not sure who. Must have been Winnie the Pooh!
