Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Beanie's Traveling Art Book

I am busy working on Beanie's Traveling Art Book. It has to go down to Australia next and I need to get it done... I have been busy writing and colouring and gluing.

And no, Mama, you can't look! This is my book!! Sheesh... some humans...

I hope everybody likes this. There are so many blank pages here. I counted how many people are still to come and how many pages are left and figured out how many I could use up safely...

Whew!! I am done! Now...

I put it into a big zipper bag to keep it safe...

And then into a padded envelope... now I just need the address from Down Under and it is good to go!!


And it is Australia bound!!


  1. We don't even a hint of your art work Sandy?

    1. I took pictures... and they will be posted to Beanie's art book page eventually. I'm shy you know...

  2. Excellent job! We can't wait to see it. Snoopy humans for sure!!

    1. Thanks guys - you are way WAY down the list I think so it might take a while to get to you...

    2. That's ok...wasn't everyone supposed to send it along with a jar of honey, then the last little bear was supposed to keep all the honey....Jerry got a little mixed up in the instructions, or its his clever plot to hoard honey jars.

    3. Eh???? I don't remember that??? Hmmm... there was no jars of honey included with the book. Mind you - the book is going to Australia next and they wouldn't let honey jars be imported. Hmmm... I think I am at the wrong end of this book thing!
