Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Type of Garden

Well... while I was busy helping with the garden, little Rose was busy working on a fairy garden...

I helped by digging out a huge rubbermaid container that was full of Mama's old rocks.

She has been schlepping these around for years and Rose was excited to incorporate them into her garden.

I have to say, it is looking bear interesting...

That's an ammonite fossil...

And that's another one - this one is from... France!

And some more fossils...

Rose was pretty pleased and after this photo was taken, found even more stuff to put in it!


  1. What a great helper! Looks like a fun little fairy garden. Do you have any of the little fairy furniture that some garden centers sell to add to your garden? Any little people live there yet, or is the vacancy sign still out?

    1. There is a little fairy in there somewhere... I'd need to get some close-up shots. It's actually a bit fuller now as well - there were some seashells that got added afterwards!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh yes... and then she went home and got her parents to help her build one in their yard too!

  3. I like the fairy garden, does it grant wishes? My wish would be for some sort of transporter to visit my stuffy friends, and maybe let my roommates win the lottery so they can take me on more hikes and adventures. Her garden has given me an idea on how to use my rocks I have been holding onto for years....now if I can just remember where I stored them?

    1. I haven't tried wishes yet... a transporter would be a good idea! You have rocks too??? They are probably stored in boxes in the basement and/or garage and/or shed...

  4. Oh yes, we have fossils inside too... "the nice ones"... the ones outside are the "not nice" ones. Now I am rolling my eyes at Mama... doesn't she know that all fossils are nice!

  5. Yes, the rocks are safely tucked away in a bx, so safe I don't even know where it is.....time for Spring Cleaning.
