Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Serious Teknical Glitches

Hullo bears and not-a-bears... we have a problem. Mama's laptop power cord where it goes into the laptop thingie isn't doing very well... Which means blogging is becoming beary beary difficult!! Not sure if I will be able to blog much for the remainder of the trip. Will try as best I can!


  1. OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! How will we cope not being able to read your adventures!!!

  2. That's too bad Sandy! Tell your mom that there will be a new power cord and GALLONS of Starbuck's coffee waiting back in Canada when you get home; she can work on the blog then and take her time.

    Bon voyage!

  3. Thanks Beanie and Jerry & Ben! I am pouting as only a little bear can pout about this power cord. Mind you, Hanoi has computer shops and I am hoping to drag Mama there and get a new one soon... I am in Sapa, land of rice fields on steep mountain slopes. Beary beautiful! But no honey...

  4. We're thinking about you Sandy! As long as your safe, we know the postings will continue at a later date. Safe travels!

  5. @Jerry & Ben - Thanks guys! Back in Hanoi safe and sound. And we went shopping today and.... have a new power cord!! Yay!!!! My foot was getting a cramp in it from holding the other one in place.
