Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Different Day at the Beach

I was at the beach again today (I am such a lucky little bear!)

I was scampering along logs and having a great time (like I normally do), when all of a sudden I saw something beary strange.

Do you see it - it looks like some string tied around some sticks. But it's not... oh, most definitely not!

Double ugh!!! It's all the bits and pieces of a deer! There must be a monster here that eats deer!! I better run!

And hide...

Or maybe here would be better...

But then Mama told me that the deer probably passed away a long time ago, maybe it fell down the beach cliff... so there is no monster here. Whew!! Sometimes beach expeditions can be scary!


  1. I like those plants that you are sitting on! Whatplants are they?

  2. Oh... that is Step Moss (Hylocomium splendens). It is all over the place in our coastal forests - very plush and thick and nice to lie on!

  3. We notice you aren't wearing your winter jacket; you're so lucky! It's still beary cold here, and there is another blizzard coming later tonight, brr. We're glad we have a big stock of honey.

  4. Another blizzard?? There seems to be a lot of snow everywhere. Beanie almost didn't make it home from France!

  5. Did you find any leprechauns in the hollow log? Glad there weren't any monsters.

  6. @Buttons - No leprechauns... although there were elf tracks! Maybe elves and leprechauns are related??
