Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Chef Sandy cooks Rouladen (with a bit of help)

Hullo, Chef Sandy here. Today I am going to supervise the creation of rouladen. Mmmm... sooo yummy!!!  We have three packages of rouladen meat...

Certified Angus beef... yum!

And now we need some diced bacon...

I know a certain Droopy Dog who is probably going nuts right now... yes... that bacon looks good, doesn't it?

And some thinly sliced onions...

Wait, what is this??? Someone has pulled out the least fatty bits of the bacon for their rouladen? Who would do that???

Surprise!!!! It's Gramma!!! She's here for a visit!!

 Nose noogies with Gramma...

Now we pound the heck out of the meat...

It's hard being a Chef supervisor you know...

Squeeze on some mustard and smear it around...

Then add bacon and onions...

Not so hard is it? Well.... not when you have Gramma to help!

Then you roll up the rouladen, poke them together with toothpicks and tie them up with string for good measure.... And now we roll the rouladen in flour (we forgot that part last time).

Make sure to pat off excess flour....

Now the messy part... you get a pot going at super high heat and then drop them into a bit of oil so that they sear on the outside...

Then we put them in the slow-cooker with some onions on the bottom. And some water that has gotten all the ooey-gooey goodness of the pot that you just seared them in. And now we wait...

Or... maybe not... Gramma's making something else? With eggs and sugar? Hmmm...

A certain Jerry bear might be a little interested now!

And finally... we sit down to dinner with fall-apart rouladen, potato dumplings and red cabbage... and gravy of course. Mmmm....

But wait... there is more...

For dessert we get a Nut Cake or Nut Torte... just basically ground hazelnuts, sugar and eggs I think... with a bit of rum aroma... mmmmm...

 Chef Sandy signing off... stay-tuned for more Adventures with Gramma!