Monday, February 11, 2019

The Blizzard of 2019...

Oh... my... goodness!!! Look at all that snow!

Oh, hello! Otto is here for a visit and... can you believe it... we got snow!

It's actually quite a bit of snow - up to my shoulders and Otto will probably be buried...

Or not... there is something to be said for light-weight stuffies!

Let's go play!

Otto is normally a river otter but... he's doing pretty good in the snow.

It sure is coming down though... and then we got the idea to go sledding! But... unlike Jerry and Ben, we don't have a Super Slider Flyer sled soooo... raided the tupperware containers...

We're all set... Rose is going to give us a big push down the hill... hold on!


Ooof... face plant in the snow...

Maybe we need a sliding track? We engaged the humans to shuffle a sliding track down the hill...

And... we're off!

whew... that's exhausting! And it's really coming down too...

Like... really coming down... I can barely see anything!

Rose was kindly ferrying us around the yard looking for better sledding hills but then...

We had a bit of an accident...

Otto? Where are you Otto???

Good grief... I think we need to retire to the living room and have a hot chocolate with cookies and maybe some real chocolate!