Sunday, January 19, 2025

Handy Sandy and the Leaky Toilet

 Righto... Handy Sandy here. Today we are in the midst of a toilet repair. So much fun!

We took off the lid... that's a good first step.

You see what's happening? Thee is a rusty leak from the toilet tank.

So... step one, turn off the water supply and disconnect from the toilet tank.

That is pretty gross...

And then we take as much water out of the tank as possible... and what do we find?

Some beary rusty bolts holding the tank to the bowl!

Time to get them out and replace them!

We got one out just fine... but it was pretty gross...

This one... it's hard to reach and the little stubby screwdriver isn't going to reach with big human arms...

And we didn't have a long enough one in the regular tool pile...

So we had to rummage through the extra tools box where things we don't use a lot live.

And we found the right tool!

A super long screwdriver!

Soooo... given how rusty these bolts are... and how messy it is...

I am going to sit up here and supervise...

Alright... we are almost there... we have a replacement gasket kit with new bolts...

We just have to clean up some of this gunk from the toilet bowl thingie...

And get rid of the icky old gasket...

This is all beary messy soooo

I am off to find more rags!!!

And... some CLR... it's in here somewhere!!!

There we go!

And I don't know how it happened... but I got some dirt on my boot!

Alright... toilet tank thingie all cleaned up...

And new bolts and washers are ready...

Let's put this puppy back together again...

And reconnect the water supply...

And see if it leaks.... oh wait...

And see if it leaks!!! (Always good to be out of harms way...)

Looks good!!

Now we can tidy up...

That's a job for the humans...

Little bears just get to sit and admire their handwork!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Visiting A Beary Special Someone

 I'm on the plane!! Where do you think we're going??

I hope it's somewhere warm and sunny... 

Ooohhh... we went to visit Gramma!! The weather is not warm and sunny but her smile is!

We brought her the mushrooms we had picked in our last post.

She decided to fry some up for her lunch...

Some are pretty teeny tiny!

What else is Gramma making for lunch? Let's check!

Errr...  what the heck is this??

This is NOT salmon!

Gramma says it's celery soup...

I didn't even know you could make celery soup...

But... where is the salmon???

Gramma says she got something else that we might like...

Ummm... what the heck is this???

Gramma says it's a delicacy... uh-huh...

It looks like... oxtail but... smaller... Gramma says it's not calve or lamb so what could it... uh-oh!!!!

Stop! Don't look!

Sullivan and Gilbert... if you're reading this... run!!!

No... seriously... don't look...

Ugh... these papparazzi!

OK... yes... no... we are NOT going to look at that... nor eat that!!!

Maybe celery soup isn't so bad after all...

But surely we have something else?

As it turns out... we do... still no salmon though.

We have cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes.

Yum. Gramma says what did we expect? It's not salmon season!

But it is ALWAYS salmon season for a little bear!!! sigh.