Monday, April 2, 2018

Swamp Bear - Part 1

omg... this post has been sitting in the drafts folder for several weeks. Must speak with my sekrebeary... she is supposed to stay on top of this sort of stuff!!

Anyhow... out for a hike... ah-hem... several weeks ago (weeks!).

I found a stash of stuff from some homeless person. It's been here for months and slowly people are scavenging stuff. The cast iron frying pan went first! (And the cooler walked off this morning).

It's a gorgeous sunny day...

I sent this picture to Jerry and Ben... but they just sent back a photograph of a snowy wasteland... oops! Guess it's still winter south of the border...

We are going off the beaten path again. On the hunt for pussy willows. We did this hike last year and it was a bit of a mess cause the water was quite high but... this looks pretty good.

There is a tiny bit of a trail... but you have to pay attention.

Cause it's made by the deer and they have little bitty feet and don't make a wide trail.

See... spring is here!

So pretty!

We're also here to check on the sting nettle situation...

There's one... but they're pretty tiny still.

They're great if you blanch them and use them like spinach... a bit fuzzy but... yummy!

Here are a few bigger ones...

Ah... and here is the remainder of one of the deer skeletons we found last year. There were still some... ummm... yucky bits on these bones, so we left them for the winter to get clean.

Looks like it worked pretty good...

Not a bad haul. What do I want with all these bones?? Just you never mind... has to do with Halloween... hehheh.

This is a teensie-tiny little bone from the foot...

Itty-bitty... not sure what I'll do with this but... you never know...


Hmmm... looks like bunny fluff...

Quite a bit of it... maybe some bird of prey tucked into one up in the trees. Cause there's no carcass around here.

Now... where's that trail...

Oooh... skunk cabbages are coming up - so pretty... but stinky.

We'll have to side-step this swampy patch...

Here we are - another old homeless camp... and... somewhere around here we have...

Ah yes... the second deer carcass... some more bones to gather.

I know... but you'll have to wait until October 31 to learn what I've got planned for this!

OK... off to find some pussy willows... just over that swampy bit...

Except... someone doesn't have proper footwear... sigh...

Have you ever noticed how humans are full of excuses? Honestly... it's an annoying habit... will we make it across the swamp?

To Be Continued


  1. Excuses...we sure do notice that. It would be so much easier if little bears were in charge all of the time. We did notice the warm sunny photo that you sent to us....while we were looking out into a snow-filled yard. Luckily, the snow is melting and our farmers' market opens in 1 month, so we are very happy about that.

  2. Cool adventure, looks like a great place for a BBQ.
