Friday, October 21, 2016

Halloween Gourds

Hello!! It's us! Little Fox and Sandy. We are back from London and waiting for our photos to finish uploading. It was a great trip but... we just realized that Jerry & Ben's Halloween Contest deadline is on Monday (eek). Little Fox isn't going to be home in time to do anything for the contest so... we thought we'd see what we could do here...

This year Jerry & Ben have a new category, home grown pumpkin/gourds... so we are going to see what we can find. Little Fox found this "blue" pumpkin. Oooh... it's nice and big, but not beary blue.

And Sandy found this other one that looks even greener...

 They make good seats for stuffies...

After another hunt... we found... an orange one!

Little Fox likes this one cause it matches his colouring... sort of.

In some overgrown grass we found a few more... the grass is wet and the gourds are beary slippery...

Whoops... wipe-out for the Fox.

And another green one... we think someone is going to be eating a LOT of squash this winter.

This one is beary cute... it looks like a scallopini squash... which wasn't planted but... apparently the squash seeds we planted were not purebreds... so we have some weird hybrid varieties.

Sandy took Little Fox on a tour of the greenhouse...

Still a few cucumbers going.

And some hot peppers.

That's it for us! It's been bucketing rain and although we wanted to get out for some adventures... we also didn't want to get drenched.


  1. Great photos! Your garden looks wonderful, and Jerry has spend a bear long time looking at each photo, then he give a "we need a bigger garden" look to the seKretaries. Wonderful entries for the contest!

    1. Thanks guys! The garden is doing good but needs to be put to bed. My sekrebearies have been neglectful. Good thing I am back! Good luck with the "we need a bigger garden" look...

  2. cool gourds! how long is Little Fox staying with you?
