Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Blast of Snow and Cold from the Past

Hullo! I've been reading about all the nasty snow and cold out east and dug through my photo archives to see if I had some photos that I could share... just so you don't think I'm a complete wussy bear now that I live on the balmy west coast...

There's this photo from a big snow storm I experienced in Calgary a few years ago. That blog on my nose was one big snow clump!! My fur got a bit unfluffy after that experience!

 Oh... and as for cold... there's this one of Mama from a few years ago (before I was borned)... It was -37C and the steam from her breath froze on her balaclava (not baklava which is a Greek dessert) and eyelashes! That must have been beary super cold!


  1. Oh gosh! That does indeed look beary, beary cold! We're ready for winter to be over now. Jerry wants to get back into the garden. Will you be helping to garden this year Sandy?

    1. Oh yes!! We planted some primroses the other day - it got a little cold this past week but they were covered up and seem to have survived... This coming weekend, I am going to help prune the fruit trees!

  2. Aïe Sandy, qui ressemble à un hiver froid beary. Apparently Google Translate doesn't translate "beary" into French. Maybe Ben can help with that translation.

    1. Hm, that is a tough one, ours is bear, but très is very, so it doesn't work so well as in English. Ben will have to think on it some more.

  3. @Jerry & Ben - It was beary cold! I have to keep reminding myself how good we have it out here... Our garlic is starting to poke out of the ground. I am going to definitely get my paws dirty with gardening... at least with supervising gardening!

    @Little Fox - Hmmm... sometimes our colloquial terms just do not compute in another language... it would work OK in German... where bär=bear!

    1. Sanday, as you know, it's beary important to supervise seKretaries when they are gardening. If Jerry wasn't supervising, who knows what the garden would look like! hehe

    2. I think it is beary important to supervise sekretaries all the time... seriously, they are beary easily distracted and lose focus on what is important... Is your garden doing anything yet??
