Monday, February 11, 2013

Grumpy Bear

Grumble, grumble... no walks... no outings... no nothing!! And we are running short of honey. Double-grumble. Must be because there are now two bears in the house!! I think Griz eats a lot more honey than me! I'd like to know how other bears have handled that! He's older and wiser so I'm giving him some leeway but still. Mama needs to keep us supplied with more honey! She says she... er... "we"!! are going to the big island on Wednesday to get more... Beary good.

In the meantime, I went down to the shore and had a looksee... there must be some honey somewhere!!
 This log looks like a good possibility!!

No... nothing in there... sigh... how am I going to make it til Wednesday??? Feeling kind of low and moody right now... grumble grump...


  1. "Sandy, ask your mom if you can come over to play with Jerry and me!" Ben

  2. Also, how is your mum's supply of hot chocolate? Ben worries that she'll run out.

  3. Well... Mama says that the airlines do NOT allow unaccompanied bears to travel on their own. Apparently their have been cases of little bears causing havoc on planes and people screaming and pulling their legs up! (Or was that an escaped snake??) You guys could come visit here?? Sigh...

    Mama's hot chocolate situation... well... she is most definitely out of Starbucks hot chocolate and has been keeping an eagle-eye out when she manages to sneak off the island (without me) and visit a Starbucks. Apparently it is not a top seller up here... So she is using a blend of peppermint hot chocolate and Carnation's instant mix... She is calling it "Jerry & Ben's Peppermint Cocoa Blend"!
