Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Relaxing in Mexico

 Ahhh... this is so nice! 

But it's a hard job relaxing by the pool, drinking pina coladas and reading books!

So I wandered around... the Christmas tree has turtle decorations! Akumal means "Bay of Turtles"... and they are out there in the sea grass!

The iguanas are out in full force...

The food is yummy too... that's a crepe with Nutella!! We took the picture to show Rose...

But then... we got some sad news. Gramma had been admitted to the hospital! She was in for a few days and then came out and then... two days later, fell at home and was readmitted. Luckily Auntie Pam went up after the first admission so was there when Gramma fell... So most of the vacation was spent close to wifi so we could stay in touch... I was able to request lots of hot chocolate (with Baileys for Mama)...

Our flight back left on December 24, so we enjoyed the time we had...

It's beary pretty here...

And we would love to come back again...

I didn't even get to try the fondue thingie!!!

Of course, the requisite sombrero picture at the airport...

And a late arrival into Vancouver!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Arriving in Mexico

 Alrightee!! We were up at 3:30 am or something ridiculous... to drive to the long-term parking at the airport to catch a shuttle to then get checked in at 5 am... ugh! This little bear is beary tired.

But there's our plane!

We are boarding soon... I am going to sleep the entire way I think!

And... here we are on the shuttle in Cancun!!

But we are sitting waiting... for some other people...

It's about a 2 hr shuttle ride...  I might nap the whole way!

But... we made it!! Dropped the bags and headed for the buffet...

Saying "Hello" to the little resort mascot cat along the way...

And finally... a comfy bed!

It's decorated for Christmas down here! 

And I am ready to work on my suntan!

Although it is a tad cloudy today...

Still... beautiful and the sun does come out every once in a while..

The next day... it was sunnier and we found a sand turtle!

With a beautiful view of the sunrise...

Today is definitely a suntan day!

And a cerveza day...

It's so relaxing here... and the moon is so bright!

Time for bed...

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Mexico Bound!

 Hullo!!! Guess what... we are going on vacation!! Yep...

To Mexico!!! And yes... in December...

Lots has been going on... we'll talk later...

Alright... first... get packed...

And... we are driving over to Vancouver!!!

Taking the ferry!! This is exciting!!!

I can literally count on two paws the number of times we have taken the car on the ferry to the mainland.

Right... and we are on the ferry... now we just need to remember... what deck and what staircase...

Hah! We saw this sign and thought... yep.. that's us!

Although it is sunny... it is still December and a bit brisk! Especially on the shady side of the ferry...

Let's go around to the sunny side...

That's a bit better!


OK... now this was a weird thing... an upside down Christmas tree... stuck to the ceiling? I guess it won't tip over if it gets choppy but... it's a bit weird!

We are getting close to Horseshoe Bay!!

Can you guess who we might see in Vancouver??

Yep... it's Rose!!!

Their tree is a stuffie dream!

Lot's of little wildlife animals on the tree... a racoon...

An otter...

A mouse...

A bear! Of course...

A squirrel...

A fox...

And a rabbit... to name, just a few!

Oh, Hi kitties!!! 

Luna is friendly... Phoenix less so...

But we didn't stay at Rose's... but headed for a hotel near the airport because we have a beary early start tomorrow!